Stortur til Færøerne 2016!

Hvad ved du egentlig om Færøerne? Hvad er det egentlig for et sted? De er en del af rigsfællesskabet, men er det så en koloni eller hvad? Er de færøske unge lige som (andre) danske unge, og er det overhovedet muligt at være ung deroppe?

Du ved sikkert lige så lidt som os, og det er uacceptabelt!
Vi tager derop og finder ud af det.

FNU søger nu penge til et stort projekt på Færøerne med deltagere fra alle de nordiske lande. Vi skal deltage i G Festival og Ólavsøka, vi skal opleve noget af Europas største natur, og vi skal debattere Norden og snakke om hvordan det er at være ung fra et lille land i en stor verden.

Mere info kommer! Hold øje med Ratatosk og FNU på de sociale medier!

Datoer: 13.-30. juli
Forventet deltagergebyr: 4000-5000 kr.

Besøg Kristiansand med finner

Besøg Kristiansand med finner

Want to spend a weekend in southern Norway and make new friends from the Nordic countries?


A trip to Norway with Nordic youngsters, getting to know the lovely city called Kristiansand.
18-21 September 2014


The price for participants is 120 euro. That includes train tickets from Oslo to Kristiansand and back, your stay in a hostel (including breakfast), and activities. Note that the price doesn’t include any other meals or transport to our meeting place, which will be the train station in Oslo Airport.


You, if you’re 15-29 years of age, interested in Nordic countries and love to travel.


We are visiting a zoo, an old lighthouse, cycling around the city of Kristiansand, visiting a cultural event (cinema, concert, or play), and you will meet fantastic people from Finland and from other Nordic countries as well!


You can sign in by sending an email to Ruska Paronen and then paying the participant fee of 120 euro to our bank account! (You get the details for the payment after signing in per e-mail.) Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ruska.

We have 8 Finns participating and 4 places for other Nordic youths, so be quick to claim your place in our adventure! The deadline is 25 June 2014, if the places aren’t filled before.

Participants have to be between age 15-29. That is very important because we are a youth organisation.

Greetings, hälsningar, terveisin,
Ruska Paronen, Pohjola Norden för studerande i Åbo